standardized ratio

standardized ratio
стандартизованный показатель

shortness ratio — показатель дуктильности краски

improvement ratio — показатель усовершенствования

ratio analysis — анализ относительных показателей

standardised ratio — стандартизованный показатель

cost-performance ratio — технико-экономический показатель

English-Russian big medical dictionary. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "standardized ratio" в других словарях:

  • Standardized Kt/V — Standardized Kt/V, also std Kt/V, is a way of measuring (renal) dialysis adequacy. It was developed by Frank Gotch and is used in the USA to measure dialysis. Despite the name, it is quite different from Kt/V. In theory, both peritoneal dialysis… …   Wikipedia

  • standardized mortality rate — noun (medicine) The ratio of observed to expected deaths in a subpopulation (abbrev SMR) • • • Main Entry: ↑standard …   Useful english dictionary

  • Standardized mortality ratio — The standardized mortality ratio or SMR in epidemiology is the ratio of observed deaths to expected deaths, where expected deaths are calculated for a typical area with the same age and gender mix by looking at the death rates for different ages… …   Wikipedia

  • Standardized moment — In probability theory and statistics, the k thstandardized moment of a probability distribution is frac{mu k}{sigma^k}! where mu k is the k th moment about the mean and sigma; is the standard deviation.It is the normalization of the k th moment… …   Wikipedia

  • Ratio distribution — A ratio distribution (or quotient distribution ) is a statistical distribution constructed as the distribution of the ratio of random variables having two other distributions.Given two stochastic variables X and Y , the distribution of the… …   Wikipedia

  • standardized morbidity ratio — (SMR) a ratio like a standardized mortality ratio except that cases of disease rather than deaths are the observed data …   Medical dictionary

  • standardized mortality ratio — sustandartintas mirtingumo santykis statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai santrumpa( os) SMS atitikmenys: angl. standardized mortality ratio ryšiai: susijęs terminas – standartizacija šaltinis Pagrindinės epidemiologijos sąvokos : mokomasis… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • ratio — An expression of the relation of one quantity to another ( e.g., of a proportion or rate). SEE ALSO: index (2), quotient. [L. r. (ration ) a reckoning, reason, fr. reor, pp. ratus, to reckon, compute] absolute terminal innervation r. the number… …   Medical dictionary

  • standardized mortality ratio — (SMR) the ratio of the number of observed deaths in a study population to the number of expected deaths in that population. The expected deaths are calculated by classifying the study group by demographic variables such as age, sex, or race;… …   Medical dictionary

  • Pixel aspect ratio — (PAR), in computer graphics terminology, is a mathematical ratio that describes how the horizontal length of a pixel in an imaging system compares to its vertical height.Most modern imaging systems describe an image as a grid of very small but… …   Wikipedia

  • Fiber volume ratio — is an important mathematical element in composite engineering. V f = frac{v f}{v c}! Isaac M Daniel, Ori Ishai. (2006). Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials . 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. ISBN 13: 978 0 19 532244 6] where:: V f is the …   Wikipedia

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